Apr 28, 2020
What is a mystical experience? Can anyone have one? Are they even real, or just some made up fantasy?
In this podcast, we will explore the mystery, wander, and the mind blowing science of the mystical experience.
Hope you enjoy this inspiring episode!
Thank you for supporting the podcast by rating, reviewing,...
Apr 26, 2020
Congrats, you made it to the final day of our Digital Yoga Retreat!
Welcome to Day 7 Power Yoga "The 8 Limbs of Yoga Journey" (90min.) and "Sleep Well" Meditation (20min.)!!!
"8 Limbs of Yoga
In this 90 minute practice
Travis takes you on spiritual journey through the 8 Limbs of Yoga -
yamas, niyamas, asana,...
Apr 25, 2020
Welcome to Day 6 Power Yoga "Eye of the Storm" (90min.) and the "Pause" Meditation (20min.)!!!
Power Yoga "Eye of the
This epic 95-minute power yoga
class will take you through the storm of challenge and intensity.
The greater the challenge the greater the reward. This practice
will reward you with strength,...
Apr 24, 2020
Welcome to Day 5 Power Yoga "Humble Warrior" (90min.) and the "Courage" Meditation (20min.)!!!
Power Yoga "Humble
In this power yoga class Travis
starts you with a smooth transition into the flow. After moving
through circular arms Sun Salutation As, and a Humble Warrior flow,
the heart will be pumping and the...
Apr 23, 2020
Welcome to Day 4 Power Yoga "Gentle" (60min.) and the "Loving Kindness" Meditation (20min)!!!
Power Yoga "Gentle"
In this 60 minute gentle yoga class prepare for a sweet relaxing stroll. This class a slow meditation in motion through standing, seated and reclining poses."
"Loving Kindness" Meditation