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Dare to Awaken

Jul 28, 2020

When facing difficult situations we often become lost in confusion and stress.

R.A.I.N. is a powerful acronym often used in the mindfulness tradition as a way to more gracefully handle intense emotions.

In this podcast, Travis will share the four step process of R.A.l.N. as a way to change the game.

Hope you enjoy this...

Jul 21, 2020

This practice is perfect when moving through a struggle of difficulty in your life. In this meditation, Travis will guide you on a powerful journey to connect with a special wisdom figure to help you find your deepest inner strength. Hope you enjoy!

Jul 14, 2020

Every passionate yogi inevitably asks themselves, “Should I do a yoga teacher training?”

Regardless of whether you want to teach yoga or not, I always recommend, “When the time is right, do it! It’s life changing and you won’t regret it.”

With that said, a training requires an investment of time, energy and...

Jul 7, 2020

Most of us are conditioned to seek pleasure and avoid pain.

In order to find true joy we have to unlearn this basic reflex. It’s as if you are swimming against the stream of evolution.

In this podcast, we will explore finding true happiness by giving up a temporary pleasure for something of an infinite measure.
